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What is Salvation

Writer: plbennettplbennett

Now more than ever, in these unprecedented times, we need to understand our faith and apply it to our ever-changing world. The future may look bleak, but as Christians, we have hope in Jesus Christ, and that hope lies in accepting the gift of Salvation.

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Salvation means to be ‘delivered’ and ‘saved’ from sin. This is known as the first work of grace, and grace is showing favour and kindness to someone who has done nothing to deserve it. They do not merit it in any way; they have often done things against the person offering it.

When Jesus died and rose again, He brought the gift of Salvation to save Humanity from eternal death. Oh, and did I mention that it’s free? God’s ultimate gift to us, which we did nothing to deserve and cannot buy regardless of how rich we are, is eternal life in love, peace and happiness with Him after the physical body dies. When you choose to follow Christ, Salvation is yours! Regardless of what is happening in our lives, we have an absolute belief that all will be well at the end of life's journey. And not just well, but amazing.

To receive Salvation and be fully connected to the Lord, we need to accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, confess our sins to Him, ask for forgiveness and be repentant - which is to turn away from the sinful life. The moment you make this declaration from your heart and mean it, you are saved. It is your heart that the Lord works with, so saying it with your lips and not meaning it in your heart is ineffective and of no use.

Doing it to please someone or for your hidden agenda will not benefit you because the Lord knows your heart. You will need to ask the Lord for forgiveness from all your sins, whether you were conscious of them or not, and promise never to return to a sinful life.

Forgiveness is the act or the process of forgiving or pardoning someone. It is when you stop feeling anger towards the person and give up the right to seek justice or payment for whatever was done to you. The Lord no longer feels anger towards us after the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden because He has forgiven us.

Accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour begins with a simple prayer asking the Lord to come into your life. This is SALVATION! After saying this prayer and meaning it from your heart, you are saved.

Simple Prayer for Salvation

Dear Father in Heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus I am sorry for my sins and the way I have lived Forgive me, Lord and cleanse me from all wrongdoing I confess that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour That He is the Son of God who died to set me free In my heart, I believe God raised Jesus from the dead And He is alive right now Jesus, please come into my life and save me! I believe I’m alive, I’m born again, and I’m saved. Amen.

So, now that you have made a commitment to God, what’s next? Well, this is just the beginning of your journey in Christ, not the end. This simple prayer can be personalised, and the Lord will hear you if it is from your heart. From that moment, you are ‘saved’. God has forgiven you for ALL your sins, past, present and future, and you have been accepted as a ‘child of God’. He will no longer remember your past or condemn you. And you, too, must forgive and not punish yourself with your past.

You still have your life to live, the ups and the downs, the good and the bad, but now, regardless of what happens in it, you have this hope that it will end well. The journey will not be easy. You may be persecuted in this life, but you will not be defeated if you hold on to Christ. Pandemics cannot defeat you; wars cannot defeat you. The body can be harmed, but the soul belongs to God. Know that what God has for you is far more than what the world has for you.

The next step is your public declaration through water baptism, covered in the 'How Do I Become A Christian' blog. This represents the death, burial and resurrection from the sinful person to the saved person.

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"Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Saviour]. For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has set you free from the law of sin and of death." [Romans 8: 1-2 AMP]

"...that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." [Romans 10:9-10 NKJV]

"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” [Matthew 1: 21 NKJV]

Recommended Reading

The Book of Matthew in the New Testament

Next In The Series: What Is The Bible


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